Front Yard Landscaping & Winter Gardening With the Experts Can Never Go Wrong!
With the onset of the winter season, comes the inevitable declining temperature and slowing activity of the garden. Many people, however, do not realize that fall is the ideal time to feed your garden, and adhering to a proper fall garden care routine can transform your front yard completely. Here is a complete guide to help with gardening tasks for cold, winter weather.
How to Plant Fall Garden Plants?
Front yard landscaping designs typically consist of planting a garden. Since the timing for fall crops can be a little tricky, you need to leave enough time for them to mature before the ground begins to freeze. Here are a few fall gardening tips and tricks:
1. Get an Early Start
By the time people start thinking about planting fall plants, it’s already too late. If you wish to add hints of colours to your property, you must act in advance and prepare accordingly.
2. Time Matters
Since each variety has a different lifespan, you must have a rough idea about how long it will take for the plants to mature before the cold weather sets in. Read the package instructions carefully to gather such details.
3. Harvest Summer Crops
The key to planting a winter garden lies in harvesting the summer crops on time. Make an inventory of plants that are harvestable and choose your fall plants accordingly. It will help you prioritize and allocate the available space.
4. Learn About Your Plants
During winter, your garden turns into a giant refrigerator, and plants take longer to mature. Know how much time it takes for each variety to grow through winter and plan your garden plantations accordingly to make the best use of fall.
How to Prepare Your Garden For Winter?
Protecting your plants for the winter is an important aspect of residential landscaping. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind:
1. Perennials
These plants tend to grow back year after year, even during the winters. They are the easiest to prepare for the cold weather, and all you need to do is:
- Cut back the dry stems.
- Remove pest eggs and disease pores.
- Mulch properly with chopped leaves, pine needles, and other such organic materials.
- Wait till the ground freezes before adding a 6-layer mulch of organic materials.
2. Annuals
Just as the term implies, these plants complete their life cycle within a year. Follow the pointers listed below to take care of your annual plants:
- When there is a slight frost, cover the plants with fabric.
- Pull up the dead plants and add them to your compost pile.
- Discard the plants that have a fungal disease.
- Mulch the plant beds with organic material such as chopped leaves up to 3-4 layers.
- Watch out for pests.
3. Bulbs
Keep the following in mind to properly care for your plant bulbs:
- Dig them up, and gently brush off the excess dirt.
- Mulch the bulb beds properly to prevent the soil from shifting and heaving out small bulbs.
- Store them in a breathable container, and place newspaper between the layers.
- Choose a dry, cool area to store them.
4. Shrubs & Trees
To help your trees and shrubs survive the frigid winter climate, follow the tips listed below:
- Move the young trees and shrubs to new locations.
- If the rainfall is sparse, water them adequately before the ground freezes.
- Mulch up to 6 inches with organic materials after the ground freezes.
- Fertilize them properly.
- If required, shelter them with burlap for the winter season.
Fertilizing Your Garden for the Fall
Landscape designers and expert gardeners believe that adequately fertilizing your plants for the winter can help them survive the cold weather. Here are the fundamentals of fall fertilizing:
1. Understanding N-P-K Composition
Any fertilizer mix typically consists of the following:
- ‘N’ which represents the amount of nitrogen, helps the growth of foliage and the blades of grass.
- ‘P’ stands for phosphorous which stimulates the growth of roots in plants. You may need a fertilizer that has a high quantity of phosphorous to help your plants withstand the freezing temperature.
- ‘K’ refers to potassium which is essential for the overall growth of the plants and proper functioning of the cells.
Choosing the Fertilizer for Different Plants
2. Choosing the Fertilizer for Different Plants
Since different plants require different nutrients to help them grow through winter, you may have to provide special care:
They require a high phosphate fertilizer with a low nitrogen content which will pay off during the blooming period.
Spring Bulbs
You must apply a fertilizer that has high phosphorous content at their root level to help them get settled before the winter sets in completely. You could also mix compost with the soil.
It is wise to stop fertilizing your rose bushes in the early fall because applying fertilizer will encourage growth, only to freeze and die in the cold winter weather.
If your lawn has sparse growth, fall is the ideal time to fertilize it, which will result in lush, green grass during the following springtime.
3. Applying Fertilizer
You must carefully read the instructions on the packet before applying the fertilizer, and follow the tips outlined below:
- If you are applying a granular fertilizer, rake the ground lightly before sprinkling the granules.
- Mulch over the fertilized soil.
- Water it well.
Prep Your Gardening Tools and Equipment for Winter
Preparing your garden and yard equipment and tools for winter will enhance their life and lengthen their usefulness. They’ll be clean, sharp, and well-maintained when you’ll need them again during the springtime.
1. String Trimmer & Mower
Clean the string and install a new line because the old line can become brittle and break easily. Also, sharpen the blade of the equipment.
2. Hand Tools
Clean, rinse, and dry hand tools such as shovels, trowels, garden forks, rakes, and pruners. Use a putty knife if required and remove small patches of rust from them. Ensure that they are sharp, and disinfect the tools before sharpening them.
3. Garden Hose
Drain it completely and remove the nozzles. If you find any leaks, repair it using a high-quality tape. Replace the washers if they are old or worn out. Coil and store it properly.
4. Planters and Pots
Clean and sterilize them to get rid of any traces of fungus, mold, pests, and diseases. Rinse them thoroughly after cleaning, dry them, and store them adequately.
Choose the Expert Landscape Architects in Toronto for Winter Gardening
After reviewing this garden planting guide, you should have an idea of what exactly fall gardening entails. Adhering to these tips and instructions can make the entire task easier for you, and when in doubt, it is always better to seek the help of professionals.
With over 25 years of experience in the landscaping industry, we have the required resources and an expert team to cater to your gardening needs. If you have any queries regarding landscaping in Toronto or are looking for unique landscape designs to transform the outlook of your property, do not hesitate to get in touch with us by calling 416.504.5263. You could also fill out our online form for more information about our landscaping and gardening services.
Our service areas include Toronto, Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Oakville, Barrie, Kitchener, Aurora, Etobicoke, Ottawa, Mississauga, Woodbridge, East York, Maple, Thornhill, Newmarket, Kleinburg, Concord, Hamilton, Burlington, North York, Pickering, Waterloo, and the surrounding GTA.
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